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Thread: Monthly Review - January

  1. #1

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    Monthly Review - January

    I know there is a still a day to go but while I have a few spare minutes I thought I'd start a quick thread about the systems that have done well this month and those that have done badly. I'm not going to dwell on the results or analyse them in any depth at this stage (though that may come later), just list the systems in the appropriate categories.

    Good (profitable)
    W2W (7 systems, +43.09pts)
    LTO3 +12.51pts
    SixPlus Loser +3.58pts
    Lay'em +4.97pts
    NH Media +2.42pts
    Trainer 3 +18.40pts
    Max Lays + 0.69pts
    NHPM +0.52pts

    Non-W2W (7 systems, +1219.34pts)
    Progeny +38.46pts
    Prem Simplex +1031.52pts
    SPL Simplex +101.50pts
    Lunchtime Profit Alerts +0.53pts
    The Insider +4.63pts
    Linebacker +0.09pts
    No Limit Hold'em Tourneys +42.62pts

    Bad (unprofitable)
    W2W (6 systems, -36.45pts)
    CD Lays -18.53pts
    Claiming Jockey -1.00pts
    Double Top -4.18pts
    Info Rated -1.00pts
    NH Media -4.10pts
    Ladies Lays -7.63pts

    Non-W2W (13 systems, -142.90pts)
    NailedOn AW -20.32pts
    NH Portfolio -0.53pts
    PP Free -2.00pts
    HSR -0.68pts
    False Favs -2.29pts
    Easy Money Lays -5.31pts
    NailedOn Lays -3.65pts
    FBD -3.74pts
    Football Elite -3.15pts
    Intelligent Betting -0.54pts
    Sports Investor -98.61pts
    Bet Bank Alerts -0.84pts
    On The Oche -1.26pts

    NB. Systems are services are listed here simply to provide a full monthly record of my betting activities and their mention should not be construed as a recommendation of said system/service. The results given are mine and mine alone and do not form part of the official results for any service.

    I hope to repeat this sort of thread at the end of every month depending on how well it is recieved as I think it helps give people a view on how various systems are performing month by month.

  2. #2

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    Im only doing two systems at present - Flat Layem and NHPM.

    With no flatlayem selctions today I know my end of month figure for that system which is 13.79 points profit.

    I have one selction to come today on the NHPM and at present im 4.60 points in profit on that system.

    It is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts

  3. #3

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    monthly review january

    I feel this is an interesting thread to contribute to,as i always like to read how others are doing.

    As i have no bet today i can provide my figs for JAN i guess it was never going to be a good one for me as i much prefer turf, and because of the weather 18 of the 20 bets i placed where AW so the final total is bets 20 LSP +4.23 pts equal to 21% gain but hardly inspiring never mind onwards and upwards and may all members profit in Feb.

  4. #4

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    What do you mean harly inspiring Mick? Thats good going.

    You wont find many punters coming out in positive figures when betting over a period of a month.

    It is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts

  5. #5

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    One of my best months ever (must have something to do with the weather)

    pretty stagnent on a lot of sytems however highlights are

    Trainer 3 up 24.75
    LTO3 up 13.93
    Running for profit up 5.33
    System banker up 30 pts with two runners today

    Jumping for profit, Double top and Ir all down a few points,

    fingers crossed because i remember last Feb when i got mullered on everything

  6. #6

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    daily waffle

    Quote Originally Posted by tophatter View Post
    What do you mean harly inspiring Mick? Thats good going.

    You wont find many punters coming out in positive figures when betting over a period of a month.
    Cheers tops,in fact the promise that i made to myself new years eve was that this year i would not get to involved with winning or losing months but rather just view the YTD results the reason being that last DEC i had the worst month i have experianced for several years and stupidly allowed this to start to impact on my confidence/judgement fortunately i was able to achive some damage limitation and ended the month showing a loss of 6pts,but vowed that i would not allow those negative feelings to take control again.

  7. #7

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    You find even fewer punters showing a profit over a period of a year. I would suggest, certainly with system betting which is how i gamble, that its nearly impossible to go through the year without at least two poor months, maybe more.

    I always think most of the time you are going backwards and forwards, then you get a couple of months where you get big lows and a couple of months where you get big highs, such is the law of probability and strike rate.

    As long as you can survive the lows then you should be around to capitalise on the highs and how you limit your losses and maximise your gains will determine how much money you make.

    Thats what my signature means at the bottom, and it is especially true when laying. One person can easily turn a profit whereas another will turn a loss if he dont work hard at it every single day.

    It is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts

  8. #8

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    Tops i understand and agree with your above post i feel it is one of racings holy grails to attempt to achive more consistency with the highs and lows,i suppouse if you have got it right by the years end then why make a fuss.but it is something which i constantly seek to rectify with my own results even though realisticaly i will not achive it.

  9. #9

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    Yes mick, your figures certainly are not bad, In fact they are very good, I know you only do method type betting which is commendable but as you mentioned in the bad times confidence can take a knock, I don't think I would trust myself to keep a completely level head for doing methods as some bets would be dependant on my mood on any particular day, but differnt things work for different people.

    I still have a few outstanding bets for Jan to be settled but I will finish in profit although I have taken a pretty big hit in the final part of January, but profit is profit and lets hope February continues upwards.

    Good luck to all of you for next month

  10. #10

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    The lay on the NHPM lost so I ended up in profits on both systems for Jan.

    It is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts

  11. #11

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    Here are my figures for January. All of these are paper traded Win2Win systems, although a couple Keith doesn't sell anymore.Overall I finished 6.4pts up but when you think this last week they have lost about 55pts, tells you what it could've been.

    Monthly figures given first and overall in brackets.

    Trainer 3 +16.67pts (+15.78pts)
    Claiming Jockey -1.00pt (-4.00pts)
    First Timer -1.00pt (-3.00pts)
    SixPlus Loser +6.76pts (+2.32pts)
    LTO3 +13.05pts (+21.28pts)
    NineorLess +5.04pts (+9.97pts)
    Stoute - (0)
    Mark Johnston- (+11.41pts)

    Running For Profit +5.99pts (-7.24pts)
    Jumping For Profit -10.96pts (-16.86pts)
    Murphy -1.00pts (+24.35pts)
    McCoy -6.00pts (+0.32pts)
    Odds on Banker +4.11pts (-3.77pts)
    NH Free -4.93pts (-1.47pts)

    Lay'em +9.00pts (+24.94pts)
    NHPM -2.70pts (+17.65pts)
    CD Lay -12.45pts (-15.23pts)
    Ladies Lay -9.30pts (-6.54pts)

    (From Keith's results pages)
    NH List 1 -3.04pts (-15.79pts)
    NH List 2 -4.38pts (-10.50pts)
    NH List 3 +2.14pts (+5.23pts)

    "Listen to me. I can just about handle you, driving like a pissed-up crackhead and treating women like beanbags, but I’m going to say this once and once only, Gene: stay out of Camberwick Green!"

  12. #12

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    monthly review january

    Scooby,a little off topic but i just had to comment your above post,i see you made 11pts from your Mark Johnston system, that trainer is my nemesis,when ever i back one of his it loses,and i have been done out of a good priced winner on several occassions by his runner getting up to mug mine on the line. i expect it will work itself out over time but until then

  13. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by mick56 View Post
    Scooby,a little off topic but i just had to comment your above post,i see you made 11pts from your Mark Johnston system, that trainer is my nemesis,when ever i back one of his it loses,and i have been done out of a good priced winner on several occassions by his runner getting up to mug mine on the line. i expect it will work itself out over time but until then
    Mick, I think you'll find that the Johnston system on the The Quickfire ebook is pretty profitable although some of the chaps on here could tell you more than me about that.

    "Listen to me. I can just about handle you, driving like a pissed-up crackhead and treating women like beanbags, but I’m going to say this once and once only, Gene: stay out of Camberwick Green!"

  14. #14

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    I have updated the stats in the first post to give the full monthly picture. A couple of systems moved list to make it a total of 14 good against 19 bad. A small profit overall but nowhere near what I would like to be making in an average month.

  15. #15

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    monthly review january

    Quote Originally Posted by mathare View Post
    I have updated the stats in the first post to give the full monthly picture. A couple of systems moved list to make it a total of 14 good against 19 bad. A small profit overall but nowhere near what I would like to be making in an average month.
    Hi mathare,do you have a preset time period or loss amount for the bad systems before deciding to drop them ?.

  16. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by mick56 View Post
    Hi mathare,do you have a preset time period or loss amount for the bad systems before deciding to drop them ?.
    All my systems operate on individual banks with safety features built in that mean losing any given bank is very, very unlikely. I regularly review my portfolio to make sure it is all working harmoniously. There is currently only one service in my list that I am at all concerned about and I won't be dropping it entirely until I have gathered a lot more data. I try to give everything a fair crack of the whip but there are times when you can tell that the best days for a system/service are long gone at which point I won't peresevere with it. Similarly, if I ever feel that the effort required to follow a system or service is more than the rewards justify I will drop it.

  17. #17

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    Had a decent January on the whole although I had to drop one system as it just wasn't working. Hoping to increase the number of systems I'm doing this month but for January it was really just the two main systems. Had some other bets here and there and some horse trading too but these are the main systems I'm doing at the moment. One on Ice Hockey and one on Football. I have a couple of other things to introduce but it's just a case of finding the right way to go about them.

    Ice Hockey (started live 6/1)
    63 wins from 94 bets 67.02%
    Staked: 1561.21
    Profit : 192.04
    ROI: 12.32%

    Football (started live 2/1)
    1 Goal or More
    58 wins from 59 bets 98.31%
    Staked: 690.73
    Profit: 29.86
    ROI: 4.32%

    "I put a skylight in my apartment...... the people upstairs are furious." - Stephen Wright

    My Website :
    Now offering three subscription based betting systems and daily free bets.
    Free bets 34.7pts up in October

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