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Thread: mathare's Cheltenham bets

  1. #1

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    mathare's Cheltenham bets

    I have said on several occasions that I barely know one end of a horse from another which is why I swerve picking my own method bets as much as I can. But it's Festival time and I am feel ready to go and have armed myself with a wealth of stats and information. Will this translate to tipping worth anything though?

    I'm by no means an expert (which is why I am in the fun bets section of the forum) and may have read some of the form incorrectly as I'm no racewatcher either. But I form opinions quite easily, regardless of whether they are right or wrong. You may well disagree with my conclusions but that's all part of racing isn't it? I'll give my thoughts on the field and why I have eliminated certain runners as well as the actual tips so you can see my thought process in action.

    I'm using a several pass approach to the card. I start by applying key trends to reduce the field to a list of likely winners before looking in more depth at the trainers record and form, preview panel comments, horse's form (and how it has held up since), going preferences, age, pedigree, field sizes, market position, record in trials and so on. At each stage I am looking to drop out the horses that don't seem to fit the bill (as I see it) to hopefully end up with a nice shortlist at the end and ideally a bet that stands out.

    I'm going to try and have a go at every race and see how I get on. I hope to have the full day's tips up before the start of racing each day.

    Wish me luck, I think I'll need it...

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
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    Supreme Novices Hurdle
    After applying a number of key trends I have reduced the card down to a shortlist of six horses, namely:
    Dunguib, Get Me Out Of Here, Blackstairmountain, Dan Breen, Menorah, Oscar Whisky

    Second pass
    Trainer record not great overall
    Mixed comments from Festival guides
    Very mixed comments from preview panels

    Get Me Out Of Here
    Good jockey/trainer combination for the Festival
    Trainer has decent record but having average season
    Good comments in preview guides
    Heavily tipped at preview panels

    Good jockey/trainer combination for the Festival
    Trainer has good jumps record and having good season
    Good comments in preview guides
    Brief mention at preview panels

    Dan Breen
    Trainer has decent jumps record and having decent season
    Good comments in preview guides
    Ignored by preview panels

    Trainer has pretty good jumps record but having poorish season
    Good comments in preview guides
    Ignored by preview panels

    Oscar Whisky
    Trainer has excellent NH record and having great season
    Mixed comments in preview guides
    Some mention at preview panel

    Two panels of experts have ignored Dan Breen and Menorah and that must be for a reason so I am dropping them for the next pass

    Third Pass
    Good form, some of which has been franked
    Gets distance well
    Prefers softer going (heavy)
    Age bracket OK for this race
    Comes from sire with good overall record but poor record at this distance at the Festival
    Experienced in big fields
    Winner of Royal Bond trial - winners don't usually follow up here
    Winner of Deloitte trial - winners have good record in this race

    Get Me Out Of Here
    Scored most strongly on key trends
    Good form but little of it franked
    Likes GS ground
    Gets distance well
    Fits age profile for this race
    Sire has good overall record but poor record at this distance at the Festival
    Experienced in big fields

    Not much jumping form to go on
    Performs on goings from good to heavy
    Gets distance well
    Doesn't really fit age profile, 5yos have poor record in this race
    Hasn't run left-handed yet
    Sire has average record
    Experienced in big fields
    Trainer has excellent record in non-handicap hurdles at Festival

    Oscar Whisky
    Decent form
    Likes soft going
    Gets distance well
    Doesn't really fit age profile, 5yos have poor record in this race
    Sire has good record
    Experienced in big fields

    Record of favs poor in last few years but favs profitable to LSP overall
    Winner has tended to come from near the front of the market but for last few years

    I don't think the going is going to suit Dunguib who will find it too fast and there are doubts over his jumping at times. The record of favs in this race has been poor for the last few years but the winner usually comes from near the front of the market. He also won previously at the Festival whereas winners of this race tend to be Festival virgins. Blackstairmountain is inexperienced but Ruby Walsh really likes him, apparently, and the trainer has an excellent record in races like this one. Age and the question of whether he goes left-handed go against him though. Oscar Whisky's age counts against him too and has received mixed comments from the previews but the stable is in good form this season. Get Me Out Of Here ticks all the right boxes and despite the record of his sire in races such as this is my selection for this one. Dunguiob may still hack up though and at odds of 5/1 I will be going each-way just to be on the safe side.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
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    Arkle Chase
    First Pass
    The key trends leave us with a shortlist of: Captain Cee Bee, Riverside Theatre, Sizing Europe, Somersby

    Second Pass
    Captain Cee Bee
    Trainer record not great overall but having good season
    Preview guide comments are OK/good
    Preview panel comments were good

    Riverside Theatre
    Trainer has great record and having good season
    Good preview guide comments
    Mixed preview panel comments (may need faster going)

    Sizing Europe
    Trainer record OK, stable in good form
    Preview guide comments are OK/good
    Good comments from preview panel

    Decent trainer record but not so hot this season
    Good preview guide comments
    Mixed preview panel comments but napped (Tanya Stevenson)

    I can't really eliminate any of them on that basis

    Third Pass
    Captain Cee Bee
    Good form which has since been franked
    Performs on good through to heavy
    Gets distance
    Very poor fit to age profile
    Sire has respectable record in such races
    OK in field sizes like this

    Riverside Theatre
    Doesn't look to have beaten much
    Good to soft going OK
    Gets distance
    Poor fit to age profile
    Sire has good jumps record but not at this distance
    No wins in fields this big
    Won Wayward Lad chase but winners of that trial have poor record here

    Sizing Europe
    Beat Osana but what else of note? (Captain Cee Bee fell)
    No concerns over going
    Gets distance
    Poor fit to age profile of winners
    Sire has good jumps record
    Happy in fields of this size

    Beat some good sorts LTO
    No concerns on gd-sft
    Gets distance
    Poor fit to age profile
    Sire has decent but not outstanding jumps record
    Concerns over how he will handle field this big when chasing
    Won Henry VIII Chase - winners have mixed record here

    Only one winning fav in last ten years
    Winner has tended to come from near the front of the market (top 5)
    French-bred horses show strongly

    The winning favs stats leads me to oppose Captain Cee Bee but who to take him on with? Somersby beat some good horses LTO but has only really won in small fields. Sizing Europe hasn't really beaten much to date, nor has Riverside Theatre. Something is going to have to give and it either has to be the fit to the age profile based on my shortlist or some of the key trends are going to go by the wayside with a 7yo winning making it Sports Line or Woolcombe Folly. Nicky Henderson has an excellent non-handicap festival chase record which gives Riverside Theatre another tick. The winner is going to come from the front of the market which includes my shortlist and Sports Line and to be honest it could be any of them! I wish Sizing Europe had been tested more in chases to date but with negatives against many of the others and the odds making it a reasonable shot I'm going for Sizing Europe each-way.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
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    William Hill Trophy
    First Pass
    The key trends leave us with a shortlist of: Bensalem, Chief Dan George, Theatrical Moment, The Package, Ogee

    Second Pass
    Trainer record godd overall but having poor season

    Chief Dan George
    Trainer has OK record and having quiet season

    Theatrical Moment
    Trainer record good, having OK season, poor record in festival hcap chases

    The Package
    Trainer record good, having good season, poor record in festival hcap chases

    Stable has good record in chases but having quiet season

    Again, I can't really eliminate any of them on that basis

    Third Pass
    Not sure about form
    Going suits
    Might not get distance
    Fits age profile
    Sire's progeny have OK record
    Field may be too big

    Chief Dan George
    Ran well LTO but before that?
    Suited by going
    Will get distance
    OK fit to age profile
    By reasonable sire
    Not sure about field, wins in 7-10 runners

    Theatrical Moment
    Recent wins but nothing outstanding
    Going suits
    Should get distance well enough
    Good fit to age profile
    Sire's progeny have good jumops record
    Should be OK in big field

    The Package
    Not sure what it has really beaten
    Suited by going
    Should (probably) get distance
    Good fit to age profile
    Sire has excellent record in staying races like this
    May not handle large field

    Not sure what it has really beaten
    Suited by going
    Will get distance
    Good fit to age profile
    Sire's progeny good record
    Concerns over field size

    Favs done well in recent years, poor before that
    Winner has tended to come from near the front of the market (top 3)
    Three of last four winners had won class 1 hcap chase (The Package)

    Just two winners in the last 30 years is enough to make me want to oppose Bensalem who is squeaking favouritism at the minute. But winners tend to come from the front of the market which means The Package, Ogee and Character Building (who fell down on too many of the key trends for me). The Package's sire is by Sadler's Wells whose bloodlines produces horses that stay well so that's a plus, and he fits the age profile of winners here. He may not handle the large field so well though. The same is true of Ogee and I'm not convinced either of them have beaten that much lately. The Package gets the shout on market position and winning that class 1 handicap chase though, as well as ticking all the key trend boxes. Theatrical Moment could be worth an each-way shot at the odds (14/1)

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
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    Champion Hurdle
    First Pass
    The key trends leave us with a shortlist of: Celestial Halo, Go Native, Punjabi, Solwhit

    Second Pass
    Celestial Halo
    Excellent overall stable record, good season, average record in festival non-handicap hurdles
    Mixed preview guide comments
    Mixed panel comments, including may want further

    Go Native
    Trainer has decent/good NH record and bang on this season
    Good preview guide comments
    Strongly tipped by preview panel

    Stable in excellent overall form and do OK at festival in this type of race
    Mixed preview guide comments
    "Forgotten horse" according to preview panel

    Trainer doesn't have such a good record and having poorish season
    Good preview guide comments
    Ignored by preview panels

    If Solwhit can be ignored by the panels I can ignore him also

    Third Pass
    Celestial Halo
    Wincanton form franked, lost to Kyber Kim but beat Medermit & Solwhit
    Suited by going
    Gets distance
    Poor fit to age profile
    Poorer going left-handed
    Grandsire is Sadlers Wells whose sons produce progeny which struggle over shorter trips
    OK in fields of this size

    Go Native
    Beat Solwhit, Binocular, Starluck
    Suited by going
    Gets distance
    Good fit to age profile
    Better going left-handed
    Sire's progeny have decent jumps record
    OK in fields like this
    Christmas Hurdle winner - few have gone on to win this
    Fighting Fifth winner

    Lost to Medermit, Khyber Kim, Solwhit but beat Celestial Halo last festival
    Suited by going
    Gets distance
    Good fit to age profile
    Mixed results left and right handed
    Sire produces progeny with poorer record than others
    OK in fields like this
    Champion Hurdle winner 2009 - none have defended successfully for 5 years

    Favs have not done well in recent years but good before that
    Winner has tended to come from lower down the market in past few years, top before
    Triumph Hurdle winner has good record here - Zaynar
    Irish Champion Hurdle winner has decent record here - Solwhit
    Irish do quite well

    Favourites have struggled in the last few years when the winner has come from lower down the market which seemingly rules out Go Native and reduces the chances of Punjabi and Khyber Kim. Go Native has beat several of today's rivals in the past so seemingly sets the standard. Christmas Hurdle winners don't have a great record here though. Despite that, he's the obvious bet to win here. I wonder if I have overlooked Solwhit too rapidly though as he fits almost all the trends. Any of Solwhit, Punjabi and Celestial Halo could fill the frame behind Go Native.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Cross Country Chase
    First Pass
    The key trends leave us with a shortlist of: Garde Champetre, Heads Onthe Ground, Another Jewel

    Second Pass
    Unlike the other races, I have no idea what I am looking for here so there is no real detailed second pass.

    Front two in market have won each running so far
    Only Garde Champetre has defended title

    Garde Champetre will be a hot favourite for this and may well win but I am more interested in who else might fill the frame and Another Jewel hits more of the key trends than anyone else so looks a decent each-way bet at 16/1

  7. #7

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    There is not enough to work with for the mares' hurdle so I will be swerving that race

  8. #8

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    2nd for Get Me Out Of Here Nice Start Mat plus a mention of Menorah in your 1st post.

    Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mattw07 View Post
    2nd for Get Me Out Of Here Nice Start Mat plus a mention of Menorah in your 1st post.
    Yeah, lost by a head and was made to swerve out of Menorah's way (at least I think it was Menorah) approaching one of the final flights so might have got home ahead but for that. Decent start though

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by mathare View Post
    Arkle Chase
    I'm going for Sizing Europe each-way.
    This is easy!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mathare View Post
    This is easy!
    Well done Mat looks like both of us are having a good festival even though its only two races in

  12. #12

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    A few more yards and The Package would have got up there too. So close...

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    I hope you backed the winner on mine Mat ???????

    The minute you start talking about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost.
    Got to update this when I have time please be patient ,thank you ,Open Forum...Total Lays......?Total Backs....?Hidden Forum Total Backs....?Total Lays......?

  14. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by mathare View Post
    A few more yards and The Package would have got up there too. So close...
    Unlucky there Mat!

    I got a lsp for the whole meet after that race! Love it!

    PS: GS can now be followed on Twitter as @themastarata

  15. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by plater View Post
    I hope you backed the winner on mine Mat ???????

    I really didn't fancy it to do that well. Shows what I know doesn't it?

  16. #16

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    I fancy sheep more than horses but that's another story :wink

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  17. #17

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    A winner at 6/1 in Sizing Europe plus two beaten a head at 9/2 in The Package and Get Me Out of here. Theatrical Moment was disappointing, Go Native clobbered one of the fences and wasn't the same after that it seemed but Another Jewel managed to squeak a place at 16/1. I make that +6.63pts to SP so not a bad return

  18. #18

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    NH Chase Challenge Cup
    First pass
    The key trends leave us with a shortlist of: Fabalu, Massasoit, Mobaasher, Poker De Sivola and Synchronised

    Second Pass
    Stable having OK season, 16% winners
    Trainer doesn't run much at festival unless it has a chance

    Yard having average season, 24% winners
    Trainer has good non-handicap chase festival record

    Yard average 17% winners but having poor season
    Trainer has poor festival record outside handicaps

    Poker De Sivola
    13% winners on average but having good season
    Trainer has low SR in non-h'cap chases at festival but has scored with big-priced winner

    17% winners, below average season
    Trainer has good SR and v. profitable in festival non-h'cap chases

    Eliminate Mobaasher on that basis

    Third Pass
    Won easily LTO, beaten much of note?
    Likes plenty of cut in the ground
    Won over 3m, untested over further
    Good fit to age profile
    Sire produces good stamina, progeny win ~10%
    Wins under rules have come in smaller fields

    Twice 2nd to Burton Port which is no disgrace, Fakenham form franked
    Likes it soft
    Won over 3m, kept on well, untested over further
    Good fit to age profile
    11% winners by sire progeny
    Won hurdle and bumper in biggish fields but other wins in small fields

    Poker De Sivola
    Poor this season, didn't beat much at Catterick
    Soft or good-soft
    Staying on when won 3m2f but weakened over 4m at Kelso
    Great fit to age profile
    ~16% sire progeny winners
    Chase wins in small fields, won in big hurdle fields

    Chepstow & Fontwell form held up well
    Soft or heavy
    Running on when winning over 3m, untested over further
    Great fit to age profile
    Sadler's wells sire - great stamina, 14% progeny winners
    Hampered in big field previously, wins come in smaller fields

    Poor for favs
    Winner can come from almost anywhere in market
    Paul Nicholls has never won race - Massasoit

    Is Massasoit Paul Nicholls' best ever chance of winning this race? I can't see it. Hmmm. Fabalu hasn't beaten much and may not get the softer going he wants plus there are stamina uncertainties there. Massasoit has decent enough form behind Burton Port and kept on well over 3m so may get distance although not won a chase in a big field. Poker De Sivola has been poor this season and weakened over 4m previously. Synchronised would have got the nod but is now a non-runner so Massasoit each-way is my pick despite the earlier doubts.

  19. #19

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    Jun 2003
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    Neptune Novices Hurdle
    First Pass
    The key trends leave us with a shortlist of: Peddlers Cross, Quel Esprit, Rite Of Passage, Summit Meeting

    Second Pass
    Peddlers Cross
    13% yard winners, good season
    Trainer doesn't run anything at festival unless it has a chance
    Rated highly by guide, lacks experience
    No mention by preview panel

    Quel Esprit
    21% winners on average, v good season
    Good festival record in non-handicap hurdles for trainer
    Has perfect profile for this but may be better in Albert Bartlett over 3m
    Mentioned by panel
    Good jockey/trainer combo for festival

    Rite Of Passage
    19% winners, v good season
    High class, inexperienced, unimpressive jumping according to guide
    Mentioned by panel

    Summit Meeting
    11% winners, poor season
    Pricewise ante-post selection @ 33/1, good general comments in guide
    No mention by preview panel

    I'd eliminate Summit meeting here but for the Pricewise ante-post bet

    Third Pass
    Peddlers Cross
    Haydock form seems to have held up
    Wants soft
    Untried over more than 2m1f
    Ok fit to age profile
    Sire's progeny have good record over distance & reasonable overall record
    Wins under rules in smaller fields

    Quel Esprit
    Maiden form franked but beaten odds-on LTO by Coole River who landed G2 novice hdl later
    Wins all come on sft-hvy
    Wins over 2m4f and 3m
    Ideal fit to age profile
    Insufficient number of runs to tell how progeny turn out but looks good
    Won maiden hurdle in similar size field

    Rite Of Passage
    3rd to Dunguib in bumper here last year, beat well-rated Healys Bar LTO
    Wins over sft-hvy
    Won unextended over 2m4f, not tested over further
    Ideal fit to age profile
    Progeny better on fast/heavy going
    Won maiden in similar size field

    Summit Meeting
    Better than Rite of Passage on form through Wilde Wit Pleasure, form early this season franked, what happened at Navan?
    Wins on heavy mostly
    Kept on over 2m4f but tailed off and well beaten over same distance next time out
    Ok fit to age profile
    Stamina from Sadler's Wells, 14%
    Wins in similar field sizes

    Last year first winning for for 7 years, previously good race for favs
    Winner tends to be top 4 in betting
    Only two winners had previous festival experience (both in bumper)

    There are stamina doubts about Peddlers Cross as he's untested over distance. Quel Esprit was beaten by a good'un LTO but wants more give underfoot. Rite of Passage has festival experience which tends to be a negative and may want it softer than it is at present. Summit Meeting holds Rite of Passage on collateral form but wants it heavy. Summit Meeting is also probably a bit too long in the betting and was well beaten in one of the key trials for this race so can be ruled out. It's between Rite of Passage and Quel Esprit and my preference is for the latter due to trainer's record here, better jumping and being sure to get the trip.

  20. #20

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
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    RSA Chase
    First Pass
    After the key trends we have: Burton Port, Citizen Vic, Diamond Harry and Weapon's Amnesty.

    No Long Run or Punchestowns, hmm. Let's roll with it for now and see how we get on...

    Second Pass
    Burton Port
    23% average winners, excellent season for yard
    Stable have good record in non-handicap chases at festival
    Doesn't deserve to be big odds, likely to be kept back for Aintree according to guide
    Not as good as stablemates according to panel

    Citizen Vic
    23%, excellent season for stable
    Yard have low SR but profitable in festival chases
    Guide suggests profile is good fit, trainer has good record
    No mention by panel

    Diamond Harry
    15%, excellent but relatively quiet season for trainer
    Needs to improve jumping, inexperienced (guide)
    2nd choice if Punchestowns not quite fit (panel)

    Weapon's Amnesty
    13%, stable having poor season
    Guide reckons has a good engine, 2m5f too short, needs to jump better
    Mentioned by panel, yard out of form

    3rd Pass
    Burton Port
    Well held by Diamond Harry on last hurdle start, won some decent small field chases
    Likes some cut in the ground
    Gets 3m OK
    No 6yo winners of this race
    11% progeny winners
    Chase wins all in small fields
    Won Reynoldstown trial - good for placing here

    Citizen Vic
    Slow start to chasing career, beat Weapon's Amnesty at Leopardstown
    All wins on sft-hvy
    Untried over 3m, kept on well over 2m5f
    Ideal fit to age profile
    Stamina from Sadler's Wells bloodline but poor progeny record in chases
    Should handle field size OK
    Won Dr PJ Moriarty trial - winners not got great record here

    Diamond Harry
    Beat Burton Port over hurdles, won decent class chases but small fields
    Likes cut in ground, wins over GS-hvy
    Won over 3m
    Ideal fit to age profile
    13% progeny winners
    Chase wins in small fields

    Weapon's Amnesty
    A shd second in G1, 2nd to Citizen Vic at Leopardstown
    Likes cut in ground, wins over GS-hvy
    Won over 3m
    Ideal fit to age profile
    Progeny have good chase record,
    Will handle field size
    Beaten in two trials

    Graded win an advantage recently
    Unplaced efforts prior to this rare, only Denman unbeaten though
    Excellent festival form an advantage (Diamond Harry, Weapon's Amnesty)
    No Feltham winner has gone on to win this (Long Run)

    Punchestowns is reckoned to be better than Long Run, who would be the first Feltham winner to follow up here but is he (Punchestowns) fit? Citizen Vic beat Weapon's Amnesty at Leopardstown but is untried over 3m. Weapon's Amnesty has a distance win under his belt but was held in some of the trials. Diamond Harry beat Burton Port over hurdles but can he do the same over fences? Age is against Burton port but he could well place based on his Reynoldstown showing. This has been one for the favs recently so I could be gunning for second behind Punchestowns/Long run but I fancy Diamond Harry each-way to make the frame at least.

  21. #21

    Join Date
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    Queen Mother Champion Chase
    First Pass
    Master Minded is so far ahead of the others on the key trends it is barely worth looking elsewhere.

    Good race for favs
    Only one horse has done the hat-trick before (Badsworth Boy)

    The most reliable trials seem to be the Game Spirit, Tingle Creek along with last year's Champion Chase and Arkle. So Master Minded, Twist Magic, Master Minded and Forpadydeplasterer respectively. It's really hard to see beyond Master Minded though and I really hope he does it.

  22. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by mathare View Post
    Queen Mother Champion Chase
    First Pass
    Master Minded is so far ahead of the others on the key trends it is barely worth looking elsewhere.
    Probably have my biggest bet of the day on that one.

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

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  23. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
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    Coral Cup
    First Pass
    We're left with Lake Legend, Sir Harry Ormesher, Racing Demon, Silk Affair and Gold Award after the key trends.

    Second Pass
    Lake Legend
    17% ave SR, poor season for stable
    Poor h'cap hurdle festival record for yard

    Sir Harry Ormesher
    17% ave SR, poor season though
    Yard has poor h'cap hurdle festival record

    Racing Demon
    7% SR, trainer having decent but quiet season

    Silk Affair
    15% SR, trainer having good but quiet season

    Gold Award
    23%, excellent season by trainer
    Yard has poor h'cap hurdle festival record

    Third Pass
    Lake Legend
    LTO form franked
    Won over distance LTO
    Good fit to age profile
    14% progeny winners
    Won in 19 runner race LTO

    Sir Harry Ormesher
    Lightly raced this season, Doncaster form franked somewhat
    Stayed on over 2m4f, weakened over 2m5f but that was 18 months ago
    Good fit to age profile
    13% progeny winners
    Won in 18 runner race LTO

    Racing Demon
    Not won for ages
    Wins over 2m5f but 3yrs ago
    Too old
    Sire's progeny have good record in hurdles like this one
    Hasn't won in big field for years

    Silk Affair
    Hasn't won this season & well beaten in worse fields
    Wins over GS-hvy
    Not really shown promise over distance, wins over shorter
    Too young
    Should have stamins from Sadler's Wells but little evidence, 8% progeny winners
    Won in 22 runner field LTO

    Gold Award
    Didn't beat much at Ffos Las, behind City Theatre LTO at Newbury
    Ran on well over 2m4f, untried over further
    Good fit to age profile
    12% progeny winners
    Won 14 runner race, well down in big bumper field 08 festival

    Poor race for favs/joint-favs
    Winner could be anywhere in market, top 6 recent years

    Quantitativeeasing and Deutschland head the market and neither made the shortlist so we're doing well swerving the favs given their record in this one. Racing Demon looks pretty easy to discount and I don't think Silk Affair can win this either. Lake Legend was clear on the key trends and ticks more of the boxes on further examination than the others so is my each-way tip here and is trading around 20s at present.

  24. #24

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    Fred Winter
    First Pass
    After the key trends we reduce the field to: Fin Vin De Leu, Diktalina, Sanctuaire, Doctor Deejay, Ned Of The Hill, Hunterview.

    Fin Vin De Leu
    16%, ave season
    V poor festival record

    12%, ave season

    23%, ave season
    Decent SR, profitable in festival h'cap hurdles

    Doctor Deejay
    21%, good season
    Few runners no winners in festival h'cap hurdles

    Ned Of The Hill
    Insufficient runners to gauge yard form

    13%, good season
    1 from 30 in festival h'cap hurdles but good record in race

    Diktalina and Ned Of The Hill are dropped at this stage. Hunterview would have gone too but for the fact that David Pipe has a great record in this race and clearly knows what it takes to do well in it.

    Third Pass
    Fin Vin De Leu
    Comfortable win LTO, lost to Stars Du Granits on hurdle debut
    Only really had hvy in NH
    Gets distance well
    10-11% progeny winners
    Inexperienced in big fields

    Easy enough LTO but not much form to go on
    Only run on sft-vsft
    Gets distance
    ~12% progeny winners
    Raced in big fields, won 13 runner race

    Doctor Deejay
    Maiden form holds up, ran close in Gr3
    Wins on hvy, not experienced much faster
    Keeps on over 2m
    Progeny like it softer, ~8%
    Run close in big hurdle fields

    Ran Orzare (who looks useful) close on hurdling debut, disappointing at Plumpton
    Likes soft (GS maybe)
    Gets distance well
    Too few progeny from sire to be meaningful
    Raced and won in double-digit fields

    Only one single-figure SP winner
    Outright favs do poorly

    The poor favs record does for Sanctuaire (who Paul Nicholls really fancies) and Notus De La Tour (who didn't make my shortlist). Hunterview is also trading at single figures which is a negative there. I still like Hunterview on form though and would also have a small bet on Doctor Deejay each-way at a decent price (currently 25/1).

  25. #25

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    Champion Bumper
    First Pass
    We're left with Bubbly Bruce, Dare Me, Shannon Spirit and Tavern Times after the key trends have done their stuff. No Willie Mullins or Dermot Weld runners - interesting.

    Second Pass
    Bubbly Bruce
    Good form but quiet yard

    Dare Me
    13%, good season
    0/6 in bumper at festival though

    Shannon Spirit
    Good form but quiet yard

    Tavern Times
    11%, good season

    Third Pass
    Bubbly Bruce
    3rd to Shannon Spirit on debut, win LTO franked recently
    Sft only
    No distance worries
    Good fit to age profile
    Not by great NH sire
    Has raced in big bumper fields

    Dare Me
    Off the course for a good while before win LTO, not beaten much of note
    No distance worries
    Good fit to age profile
    By good jumps sire
    Won in big bumper fields

    Shannon Spirit
    Only one run (won), beat Bubbly Bruce
    No distance worries
    Good fit to age profile
    Fairly poor sire progeny record in NH
    Won big bumper field LTO

    Tavern Times
    Fairyhouse win well franked
    No distance worries
    Good fit to age profile
    Sire's progeny have decent jumps record
    Won 16-runner bumper LTO

    Irish win this one
    17 winners all by different stallions - Presenting (Tavern Times) and Bob Back (Dare Me) progeny already won
    6 of last 7 had run at least 3 times but 3 had won only previou start
    Favs place or unplaced, rarely win
    Winner from top 5 or 6 in market usually

    I really like Tavern Times on what I have seen and he top-scored the key trends too. A win in a big bumper field that has been franked since and on good ground too. The age is right as is the pedigree. But Dunguib won for Presenting last year and each winner has been by a different stallion. He also falls down on the experience trend but did at least win his only start. He's in the right sort of area of the betting market to do well here though. Shannon Spirit would probably be my second choice and at a decent price too.

  26. #26

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    Rubbish yesterday, although I haven't had chance to properly tot up how bad.

  27. #27

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    First Pass
    Shortlist is Nicanor, The Midnight Club, Tanks For That, King's Forest

    Second Pass
    15%, ave-good season
    3/101 before this year's festival

    The Midnight Club
    21%, v good season
    Few runners in h'cap chases at the festival

    Tanks For That
    23%, v good season
    Good record in festival h'cap chases

    King's Forest
    13%, ave-good season

    Third pass
    Runner-up to a couple of decent-looking sorts early in season, LTO win franked, beat Denman here 4yrs ago
    Only chase win on hvy, prev wins on Gd/Sft
    Won over distance in Supreme Novices 4yrs ago, tiring towards end of 2m4f chase LTO
    9yo's are 0-9 in this race
    14% progeny win SR
    Won hurdles in similar sized fields

    The Midnight Club
    Clonmel form somwhat franked, fell early at Limerick
    Wins over heavy, wants give in ground
    Stayed on well 2m4f chase, wins over distance and further in hurdles
    9yo's are 0-9 in this race
    Sire's progeny have decent festival record, ~10% overall
    All wins in double-digit fields

    Tanks For That
    Comfortably beat Inthejungle who won NTO, close up with You're The Top LTO
    Wins on GS, prob doesn't want softer
    Stamina doubts, weakening over prev attempts at trip
    7yo's are 4-41 in race
    9% progeny SR
    Little experience in big fields

    King's Forest
    Within 3l of classy Ogee off equal weights at Bangor, but well beaten NTO
    Wants Gd-GS
    Comfortable over distance at Bangor
    No 6yo wins in 15 attempts
    ~8% SR for progeny
    Little experience in big fields

    Two winners placed in Gr2 nov chase - none on shortlist
    Two had hurdle RPR in mid-140s, three in low 120s - Tanks For That
    4/5 fallen at least once when chasing - The Midnight Club
    Four winners from top 3 in market - none of shortlist (Rivaliste, The Hollinwell, China Rock - only The Hollinwell even close on key trends)

    The first two key trends don't really catch any of the field this year which throws that out the window really and puts things into disarray. Those trends were carrying no more than 10st12lb and OR of 123-133. Oh well. Nicanor looks promising on what I have seen. The Midnight Club may find it too fast underfoot, Tanks For That has stamina doubts and King's Forest may be too young to take this. The Midnight Club has fallen previously which is seen as a plus on the trends. But winners come from the head of the market and only The Hollinwell even comes close to being on my radar. Looks to have decent form, going and distance are suitable but poor record for stallion's progeny and little experience in big fields. If anything I'd have a small each-way bet on Nicanor but I could just as easily leave this one alone.

  28. #28

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    Pertemps Final
    First Pass
    This leaves us: Smoking Aces, Fredo, Chamirey, Rocco's Hall, Cross Kennon

    Second Pass
    Smoking Aces
    10%, poor season
    3/19 at festival

    9%, v good season

    17%, poor season
    0/35 in h'cap hurdles at festival

    Rocco's Hall
    14%, good season
    Yard may well strike at festival, watch for money coming in

    Cross Kennon
    7%, good season

    Third Pass
    Smoking Aces
    Won or run close in all starts this season, not sure what he has beaten
    Wins on soft, all runs on sft-hvy
    Won over 2m4f LTO staying on but untried over 3m
    6yo's are 4-50
    Old Vic progeny have good festival hurdles record, ~11% overall
    Wins in double-figure fields

    Well beaten on seasonal debut, won comfortably LTO but struggled before
    Won over 3m+ LTO so gets distance
    6yo's are 4-50
    12% progeny SR
    Wins in 10+ runner fields, placed in big fields

    Well beaten by Tell Massini who went on to land Gr2, Uttox form franked, beat Tricky Trickster, lost to Fredo LTO
    Wins on soft, placed on gd, most experience on sft-vsft
    Gets distance well
    Only 1 winning 7yo from 63
    ~16% progeny SR with better on sft/hvy
    Wins in small fields, little experience in fields with more than 10 runners

    Rocco's Hall
    Yet to win this season, well beaten LTO
    Sft w/ experience on hvy
    Two wins over 3m but 2 years ago
    2-44 for 8yo
    Sadler's Hall progeny have excellent festival hurdles record
    Wins in big fields

    Cross Kennon
    Won last 4 starts, some franking of last winning form
    Wins over gd to hvy
    Several wins over 3m+
    6yo's are 4-50
    ~10% winning progeny
    Plenty of big field wins

    Four winners had run at festival before, none with any real success - none of shortlist have festival experience
    Three Irish winners all unplaced in Leopardstown qualifier - Prince Erik, Conclave, Boulavogue all placed there
    Four previous winners have tried to defend title, all unplaced
    Two novice winners
    Last ten winners have Sadler's Wells in pedigree

    On my form reading I really fancy Fredo or Cross Kennon but I can't ignore some strong trends including that Sadler's Well bloodline stat which brings Smoking Aces and Rocco's Hall back into it. I don't get Rocco's Hall form (but I am no form reader I admit) and I think he wants more cut in the ground as does Smoking Aces who may not get the trip. Cross Kennon each-way would be my main bet with a smaller bet on Smoking Aces e/w too.

  29. #29

    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Rep Power
    Ryanair Chase
    First Pass
    Shortlist: Albertas Run (just), Poquelin, Tranquil Sea

    Second Pass
    Albertas Run
    17%, ave-poor season
    6/32, +71pts
    Dual course winner, former King George runner-up, likes decent ground
    No mention by preview panels

    24%, ave season
    16/98, +1.94pts
    Deserves place at head of market, likes faster ground
    Paul Nicholls rates this as one of his best chances this year

    Tranquil Sea
    11%, good season
    May well strike at festival, watch for money coming in
    Big player when mud flying, had plenty in hand over Poquelin in Nov
    Strong fancy for Paddy Power

    Third Pass
    Albertas Run
    Beat Voy Per Ustedes and Schindlers Hunt at Ascot in Nov but 11l behind Deep Purple NTO, well behind Barbers Ship in King George so others preferred on form
    Wins on Gd-GS
    No wins over 2m5f but has won over further and showed speed over 2m3f LTO
    1-16 winning 9yos
    Accordion progeny have good festival chase record, 12% overall
    Will handle field size well

    Beaten by Tranquil Sea in Paddy Power Gold Cup here conceding 2lb, bounced back to beat decent field in Boylesports Gold Cup over course
    Wins on GF-Sft
    Won over 2m5f LTO comfortably
    Zero 7yo winners in 5 attempts
    Not many sire progeny to base anything on but look decent
    Won in several similar field sizes

    Tranquil Sea
    Beat Poquelin here in Nov and Scotsirish at Leopardstown
    Wants sft-hvy
    Won over C&D
    One 8yo winner from 8
    Poor progeny record for Sea Raven
    Has won in big fields

    Four beaten favs all won Gr1 chase LTO - Poquelin fav but won Gr3 LTO

    It's Poquelin all the way I think. Were it a bit softer underfoot I may fancy Tranquil Sea to turn him over but not today.

  30. #30

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Rep Power
    Good Luck for today Mat.

    Was hoping you'd mention The Hollinwell in the Jewson as thats where my money is, by the looks of it youve completely skipped over the top of the Market, going for the big odds today!! :)

    Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

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