View Full Version : Let Me In!!!!!!!!

1st November 2004, 13:50
I have just become a member and when I try to go to the members hidden forum it asks me for a password, where would I find a password for this (do I get sent one) also it says something about cookies??????????????????? I have jammy dodgers are these any good.

Can anyone help me out?

1st November 2004, 13:55
on the members update page, there is a password. that will get you in

1st November 2004, 20:56
It's in BLUE near the top of that page with instructions of what to do. It's just extra security on the quality information.

2nd November 2004, 10:13
Thanks I'm in now (I did feel like a lunatic trying to get into the asylum looking through the window, now I've got the key I can now join like minded people).