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23rd January 2005, 19:11
Im a huge soundtrack fan, got hundreds of the things..if you're a fan of scores or classical music in general I recommend you check out the score for Passion of the Christ, especially the track "Resurrection"

Not that i'm fairly religous or anything.....actually....check this out to see one of the many things I do for a living, my stance on religion and shock horror..my real name. (like anyone cares)


But check out the soundtrack....

Also check out braveheart, gladiator, the rock...anything from ennio morricone....

23rd January 2005, 19:26
anything from ennio morricone....

Oh yeah! I'm not a big fan of classical music, but the right music at the right time in a movie can make or break it and Ennio Morricone has always been one of the best at that, from the amazing Spaghetti westerns through to things like Once Upon A Time In America and the Mission, every one of those films would be much less without his music!

As for you article in your local paper - very well written indeed, and thought provoking I'm sure in such a 'religious' place as the Emerald Isle.

23rd January 2005, 19:39
Once upon a time in America is one of my favourites I must say. And as for the Emerald Isle being religous I think it's starting to lose that with time you know. We're a country of either lapsed, dead or lacklustre catholics. Most of the protestants are the same, some are catholic and protestant in name only.

By the way, to digress again, what do you think of more modern soundtracks like Gladiator, Braveheart or Donnie Darko?

23rd January 2005, 19:45
Donnie Darko?

Bit of side step here but that has to be one of the worst films I ever seen, truely crap. I think people who like it are deluded and like it because they think its cool to like it, typical bandwagon material.

23rd January 2005, 19:46
But the soundtrack is quite interesting.

23rd January 2005, 19:51
I'm not suprised that the church over there is losing it's appeal, between various scandals and just a general apathy towards it these days as it struggles to move with the times.

Gladiator is brilliant, as is Braveheart, both amazing films, and I do remember the music being very good in both. I'm sure I downloaded the Braveheart soundtrack for my wife as she liked it - must try and find that. Donnie Darko I've only seen once, and actually didn't pay much attention to the soundtrack.... good film though. I'll try and catch it again next time it's on TV...

I like a lot of the older horror movies - 30's and 40's plus the hammer ones as well. James Bernard did a lot of the classic Hammer films and his music was excellent. Philip Glass did a good 'new;' soundtrack to the 1930 Bela Lugosi Dracula as well - well worth a listen if you can get hold of it. Oh yeah, another classic - Shaft - the original, not the new one - I'm not a big soul fan apart from James Brown, but that soundtrack is still brilliant. One of my favourites!

23rd January 2005, 19:54
Will have to check out those so, always on the look out for good "new" (to me) soundtracks. I'm a big James Brown fan myself.

Strangely, one of my favourite soundtracks (and albums) of all time is Neil Diamond's "The Jazz Singer". Classic.

23rd January 2005, 22:01
Last Of The Mohicans - great soundtrack.

23rd January 2005, 22:07
True. Listening to it as we speak. Bit freaky.

23rd January 2005, 22:16
So am I :yikes:

I just stuck it on after posting it.

23rd January 2005, 22:17
Question for ya....which part of it do you prefer...two composers, two styles..

23rd January 2005, 22:30
I never actually realised there were two different composers but after going through it now i'd have to say I prefer Trevor Jones' stuff. My favourite track would be Promontory which is track 13 on my CD.....I think the format and one or two tracks have changed slightly since the original copies. I've got a recent copy as I lost my original copy. I could be wrong on the changes though.

23rd January 2005, 22:34
Ah yeah, Im a bit of a Randy Edelman fan, his melodies are really nice..check out the soundtrack to dragon heart, it's really nice and you always here it popping up on trailers for other films. Promentory is a Trevor Jones track alright....it's track 6 on the album

23rd January 2005, 22:50
it's track 6 on the album

That's what I thought and i've just looked it up on Amazon and the review there does infact say that the copy I have is a re-recording. I personally preferred the original.