View Full Version : Welcome HOME

22nd March 2005, 18:54
Well thank bugger me kippers for that!!!

I can sit back and let my grey hair grow again!!!

Lessons learnt, just have to remember what they where?????

22nd March 2005, 19:00
I'll can get the reserve board back online this week if anyone needs it for anything.

22nd March 2005, 19:02
Good to be back!

22nd March 2005, 19:32
WB all.

22nd March 2005, 19:47
Its just like having your local re-opened after refurbishment.....:laugh

22nd March 2005, 20:09
I'll can get the reserve board back online this week if anyone needs it for anything.
Yes please Keith, I need to know if there were any solutions to my AV problem on the laptop. :)

22nd March 2005, 20:15
keith i need the joint effort threads please

22nd March 2005, 20:21
keith i need the joint effort threads please
No, you don't want to do that. :D

22nd March 2005, 21:12
The other board is back online;

22nd March 2005, 21:29
Welcome home everyone

22nd March 2005, 21:47
Thanks Win2Win for getting us back up and running

22nd March 2005, 21:48
Thanks for your hard work Keith. I know we had another abode for the last few days but there is no place like home!

22nd March 2005, 21:52
Yes, thanks a bunch Keith.. and OOO Sam I like your new avatar :hearty

22nd March 2005, 21:56
Yes, thanks a bunch Keith.. and OOO Sam I like your new avatar :hearty
Don't you just hate two girls together, they'll be talking about us as though we're not here next. :wink :)

22nd March 2005, 22:02
Thanks Susan, hope you are keeping well - all things considered.
Did you hear someone else just then?:ermmm Nah must be me - no-one else here I dont think :laugh

22nd March 2005, 22:18
Dontcha just luuvv computers - W2W, company network and my laptop, all in 1 week ;fire .

Funny, but didn't miss the network half as much as the forum - thanks Keith, you must have taught your guinea pigs a whole new language.

22nd March 2005, 22:34
With regard to the standbye forum, or whatever it's called. Where did the wierdo posters come from? Was it any of you lot mucking about or were they for real? I know some of you came on and had a bit of a laugh but some of them were quite strange, it got a bit betfairish at times. :yikes:

22nd March 2005, 23:00
i owned up to my spamming cos im a good boy :D

got them all now thanks keith

22nd March 2005, 23:09
OOOOO Sam, that Sparky Miner, let me tell you about him, well, and the others, thing is, they just do NOT understand when it`s just a girl thing...I don`t know why they allow men on this forum, waste of space if you ask me, not good for much, girl power is what I say, and I think we should start a feminist, girls only, for the girls thread on this board and just let them try and muscle in, anyway, muscles, what ? ??? they`re just puny, the lot of them.. WHAT SHALL WE CALL OUR STRICTLY FOR THE GIRLS FEMALES ONLY THREAD ? We are under represented here anyway thyough there is OFFs baby, I have high hopes of her in a year or three.. pity about the other babies, they seem to be BOYS, nasty SMELLY THINGS.
p.s. Hope there`s no MALE listening in, especially that Sparky Miner with his little lamp..
nice to talk to you again, thanks, Sam, I`m fine.. xxxxx
(boys KEEP OUT...)

22nd March 2005, 23:14
The other board is back online;

Cheers mate need that also!! Good to back 'home' again.. it's like we never went away! Think i may search for an avatar.. :geek

22nd March 2005, 23:46
good to be back keith,

but please don't bow to female pressure and open up a new sub forum on curtains. :D

23rd March 2005, 00:22
Theres Mrs Pezza as well who looks on at times.:hearty

23rd March 2005, 01:39
especially that Sparky Miner with his little lamp..
Wait 'til I start polishing it. :D