View Full Version : Pleiades

18th November 2005, 21:24
Get a picture of this isn't difficult, try to get it lined up for a 10sec exposure with the UV filter is more difficult, but doing it that way you get the nebulae that surrounds this grouping of stars otherwise known as the seven sisters.

You can see it between the Moon & Mars, now although it is just a blur to the naked eye, as the Moon is so bright.

Not bad for something 400ly away :D

18th November 2005, 21:56
read today that when you look at the sun, because of the distance, you are looking at an image that is 8 minutes old. really interesting. Is this true?

18th November 2005, 22:01
Yup, speed of light.....that pic of Pleiades is what it looked like 400 years ago :)

Using Hubbles deep space, we can see around 13 Billion years back in time......no TARDIS has been spotted :D

18th November 2005, 22:02
Just off to look at a few craters on the Moon, then I can thaw my feet out.....

18th November 2005, 22:04
Near enough... the Sun is 93,000,000 miles from us, light travels at 186,000 miles a second divide that into 93,000,000 and you get 500 seconds - just over 8 minutes. That pic of Keith's is 410 light years away - so what you're seeing is what it looked like 410 years ago as it's taken that length of time for the light from it to reach us. For all we know it might not be there any more!:yikes: