View Full Version : profit lost

26th February 2007, 03:29
Just read win2win e-book got £2000 to put up as 4 betting banks of £500
I was considering following A+, A, FLAT and NH bets. Betting 3% of my bank on each bet. As past results can not be a guarantee of future profits. With that understanding could some one give me an idea using past results how much would I have profited or lost over the last 12 month period? If it is easier possibly just giving a points plus or minus result :splapme
all the best rob

26th February 2007, 14:19
I'd just go with the A+ & Golden lays if you are sticking with the free stuff, otherwise purchase some systems (in profit, as the folk on here),or join as a member, to get 1 to 1 pro advice.

I would also keep £100 in reserve for the first few months, and use the System Manager software to protect the bank.