View Full Version : System Seekers Dream

tommy tipster
30th May 2007, 18:40
Hi guys,
i must say i'm very impressed at your information and was just wondering who could point me in the direction of a highly recommended system.
I am currently using two different systems,one good,one only ok.
You guys can help me,i would not like a sales pitch but an honest point in the right direction from one of you who is using one,and maybe has for a long time.
I have been out of full time work for a year,due to redundancy and i would greatly appreciate some advice.
I am not into any system that chases losses,something that i can be disciplined with,but that works.
Thanks a million!:ermmm

30th May 2007, 18:58
You could do a hell of a lot worse than sign up as a member and get access to 10 more systems. Or buy one of the Flat Quickfire or NH Quickfire packs and get another 5 systems

30th May 2007, 20:24
I am pretty new myself and i would advise reading as much as you can on these forums as there is some great information. Especially look at win2win(Keith) with regards to staking and bank barriers. It has saved me a packet!
Whole package is great value .

30th May 2007, 20:50
That's secret member's info....we'll have to shoot you now :)

tommy tipster
31st May 2007, 01:16
cheers guys,i must take a good look at these win2win systems,
this is one hell of a good website.:)

tommy tipster
31st May 2007, 02:35
I was just wondering if anybody is aware of the system by Mohammed Ali(???).He specialises in place betting and claims he's been doing this for years.
first of all,he seems to specialise on flat racing only.
Just wondering whether any flat systems are profitable,i have read in these forums that national hunt seems better.(funny that, as my only system that is looking ok is based on the flat.(maybe i should try combining and testing)
Besides,i thought Mohammed Ali was a boxer!

i also would welcome opinions on place betting!

while im on the subject of place betting,i saw another system,guy calls himself the mathmetician.i haven't seen this system,would somebody know of it so they can enlighten me.i presume it's place betting,just want to be sure.
Also,if these are a complete waste of time ,please tell me.:cuck

31st May 2007, 14:26
Deja vu?

I've deleted your other thread you just made Tommy. If you don't get a response, it's not always worth posting the same question again. :)

11th June 2007, 18:27
i reckon you should follow the free a+ bets or favourites in maiden races at windsor, chester and warwick or both as these all show a good long term profit. Ive found 3 year old maiden races at windsor hugely successful between june and august each year.

tommy tipster
12th June 2007, 12:59
Cheers mate,that was handy advice.Did'nt want you to think i was rude in not answering,been on a very long session!

12th June 2007, 13:09
I would stick to Keith's systems, Tommy. :)

I don't think Kered is in a position to be giving racing advice out to new forum members.

12th June 2007, 13:12
I would stick to Keith's systems, Tommy. :)

I don't think Kered is in a position to be giving racing advice out to new forum members.

I'm with John on this one Tommy.:D

12th June 2007, 18:57
I think you'll be hard pushed to find anyone on Kered's side in this one Tommy!

13th June 2007, 17:37
im very good at gambling when im off the booze im a bit of a dipstick if ive had a drink in the previous few days. Life without booze would be crap though!!!!!! Im pleased so many people dont like me thats always a plus!!

13th June 2007, 18:06
im a bit of a dipstick

:laughnever a truer word...

Im pleased so many people dont like me thats always a plus!!

I think that just proves the first quote... :splapme

13th June 2007, 18:35
Bet your a hit with the birds! :rolleyes:

13th June 2007, 22:28
i hate myself so id be suprised if anyone else likes me im a rubbish person basically, i want to change but no matter how hard i try i always give up when i get a job i dont like. A few hours of feeling happy is better than none thats why i drink however ive only got drunk once in the last 18 days but am using energy drinks once every 2 days as a substitute.

13th June 2007, 22:35
i hate myself .

Ah ferchrissakes go and get help Kered... you need some serious counselling to sort out such low self esteem.

13th June 2007, 22:58
tell me to mind my own business kered, are you an alcoholic? you say you aint bin drunk in 18 days but do you take a drink daily? do you use alcohol as a crutch to help you through the day then the next mornin you feel worse because you took a drink the day before ? sorry if im prying

15th June 2007, 13:08
im not an alki but when i have a really bad say i usually get drunk as the problem goes away for a few hours. Must admit it doubles the problem for the next day, however i am usually very moody the next two days after a night drinking even though im a happy drunk at the time of drinking always smiling and laughing. Ive drunk less this year so far bar a bad two weeks than any year since i first started drinking and things are slightly better than they were as i havent shouted at my parents for about 2 months (two months ago was when id quit my 7th job in a year)

15th June 2007, 13:11
by the way ive analysed keiths free systems and worked out the Lambourn Yuck is the best free system. 112% is very good I only know one better system but you guessed it this also needs betfair to make it worthwhile. The tote can be useful for outsiders systems if your stakes are small though and cant use Betfair. Im, still around £ 40 up this year my best year since 1997 when i won money off my dad so clearly less booze is helping me alot butr i have alonmg way to go to cure my drinking problem.

15th June 2007, 14:32
things are slightly better than they were as i havent shouted at my parents for about 2 months (two months ago was when id quit my 7th job in a year)2 months ago was April. You'd quit seven jobs by then? That's one every two weeks on average. I don't know what's more amazing - the fact you've quit so often or the fact you found that many people to employ you when you have such a shocking employment history

15th June 2007, 18:00

15th June 2007, 18:06
butr i have alonmg way to go to cure my drinking problem.
how sure are you your not an alki :doh
are you indenial, if you admit to youself it may be easier for you to deal with and if you can deal with it maybe your quality of life would improve but either way kered


15th June 2007, 18:21
Paul, I'm going to give you a wee bit of a heads up regarding our Kered. He's been here since Feb 2003 - and we've been trying to deal with his problems (real or imagined) ever since. Until he actually admits properly that he needs help he'll continue down the same old road... he appears to have a lot of problems.. anger, addiction, self esteem, among others... and to be honest he needs a lot more help than most of us can offer, especially after 4 years of trying every tactic under the sun from gentle persuasion to bullying to try and get him to sort his life out. Good luck to you if you keep trying to help him, but just be aware it'll probably be a long road. And Kered... if you read this, you know what I'm saying is all true...

15th June 2007, 18:37
thanks bigc if he aint willing to help himself we"re just bangin our heads against a wall

15th June 2007, 19:20
Just add the bit about the Lambourn Yuck system, Kered. Every system you ever follow... every bet you ever place... should really be done using Betfair. Otherwise you're missing out on so much potential profit. Put some cash aside for a whole year and open up a Betfair account.

Goodness me, did I really just write that?

tommy tipster
16th June 2007, 16:29
You guys are one bunch of funny :censored: [Admin: No blatant swearing allowed]
Can anybody tell me a good example of a bad system then,there seems to be a lot of sales pitches on the internet?
Do the results match the sales patter though?
Could do with some help!

Kered,how old are you?
I used to know a guy that was an alchie at 12.It's just that you mentioned your parents, and the 40 year old has been, with a beer gut that was pictured in my mind,all but vanished.
I have an addiction too,don't worry about it,lifes too short man!
Not addicted to drink though!!!:helper

16th June 2007, 16:42
Can anybody tell me a good example of a bad system then,there seems to be a lot of sales pitches on the internet?

Anything that involves any sort of increasing stakes to claw back losses. Just don't go there at all, somewhere along the line you will lose the lot. If a system doesn't make money to level stakes at SP odds it's probably (but not always) worth avoiding - the only exclusion to that are systems that pick up bigger priced winners where your margins on the exchanges will turn the losses into a profit. Seriously - if you want to make a bit of money you could do worse than join Keith's full service - you'll also get more advice and help from the man himself than you'll get from any other tipster around - and the long term members here can vouch for any of his system results - consider that the site and forum has been around over 5 years now and there are folk here who have been there right from the start... and many more of us who joined in that first year and are still here.

Kered,how old are you?

he's 25 going on 7... :rolleyes:

and the 40 year old has been, with a beer gut that was pictured in my mind,all but vanished.

give him another 15 years :D

I have an addiction too,

and the friction burnt hairy palms to show for it :yikes::wink

16th June 2007, 16:44
I'd also add that there are a few decent systems and tipsters on the forum apart from Keith...

16th June 2007, 16:58
I'd also add that there are a few decent systems and tipsters on the forum apart from Keith...

:ooo Heretic!

tommy tipster
17th June 2007, 00:48
lads.i know this is off subject but im a bit of a billy no mates you see,

I've a gorgeous slim mrs,but she is driving me up the wall.
We have an amazing 2 and a half year old boy. I just want clarification on whether i am mad?
She stll breastfeeds our son(2 and a half)???
The child still can't sleep all night long unaided without the boobs.
Can't sleep in my own bed,3 of us in there is too much!
nothing i do or say seems 2 make her happy,infact i spend most nights now in serious depression.Every row is my fault etc etc
Question: am i delaying the inevitable?
Only racing,football and a bit of ganja is keeping me going.
I need a guy to tell me if i'm a :censored::censored::censored::censored:in dope 4 putting up with it!
And would they put up with it?

I'm getting keiths systems when i have cash,this place is the only horse racing site you can rely on.I'm 4k in the red,lifes in pieces,too flippin scared 2 tell the girlfriend it's over.
Sorry lads,i wont post 4 a while,i'll be too :censored: embarassed!

17th June 2007, 00:59
No tommy, running away is the cowards way out. Stick with it. The kid needs a stable family background. You need to give the young 'un some tough love i.e. Bath at 7, feed, bed, (in his own room, in a cot.) Breast feeding is fine at 2 1/2. If he cries ignore him. Check him periodically to ensure he's clean etc etc. If he wakes in the night, go to him, check he's ok reassure him and let him have a bottle of expressed milk, but you mustn't take him out of his room.
It's actually tougher on the parents to start with but it's worth a couple of sleepless nights because you absolutely have to get them into a night time routine.

17th June 2007, 01:22
She stll breastfeeds our son(2 and a half)???
The child still can't sleep all night long unaided without the boobs.

i have the same problem sleeping, problem is the doctor wouldn't perscribe me some boobs nor a gorgous mrs :headbange


havn't had kid's myself, but arn't they meant to be that much troubble anyway :mover
not sure if it's a good idea to start betting too much now though - a bad day on the horses sound's like it could tip you over the edge :yikes: especially with dept which greatly magnifies any losses and makes them worse.

17th June 2007, 01:33
I'm with Sparky here Tommy,

I also have a kid the same age. I know it's not the same problem, but up until recently she would only sleep in our bed, and threw a looper when we bought her a bed of her own. It took 3 weeks of pain, ignoring crying and lack of sleep before she finally got the idea that she must sleep in her own bed.

It is very hard to do, but it's well worth it. Your child has to get some independence, and your missus should start expressing milk.. then move on to regular milk. It's an old adage, but you have to be cruel to be kind.
Regarding leaving... Don't do it. Your child is the most important person in this issue. He needs his dad, and don't let the wife ruin that. Sometimes you will have to bite the tongue, but stick around. This sh*t wont last for more than a year or two, and once the kid is in school, you can start working on any problems you may have with the missus. Until then though, stay calm and firm.

17th June 2007, 08:42
I'm doing a special deal on Filipino's :thumbs

17th June 2007, 10:05
i agree about the tough love tommy, but also try to find a bit of quality time for you & the mrs with out the child. see if you can rediscover your love for her but i will say this even though it may seem harsh if you and the mrs have nothing left for each other at all dont stay together just for the sake of the child because that never works and the rows will get worse until theres hatred and who nows where that could lead and you would not want to let your bab see you & mrs at each others throats . but if remember leaving must be the total, total last resort

17th June 2007, 10:15
I think, reading between the lines though Paul, that the problems are being caused by them not having time on their own, and lack of sleep. A few good nights sleep without considering junior in the same bed will work wonders. Lack of sleep always makes folk fractious.

17th June 2007, 10:15
I'm doing a special deal on Filipino's :thumbs

Problem solved then! :ermmm

17th June 2007, 10:33
i agree sparky thats why i suggested trying to find some quality time for him and her without the child.but i do hope they can work things out & we all get an invite to there 25th weddin anniversary :thumbs

17th June 2007, 12:13
The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding children up to the age of two years.If your kids only means of relaxation is to breastfeed, it may be useful to help them learn other ways to soothe themselves.

Is your partner and kid ready to cease breast feeding.Your kid may resist all attempts to do so.

There are many strategies for weaning a baby onto a bottle or a cup. If your child can talk and understand well, talk with them about your breastfeeding. Explain that you are going to stop and introduce other ways that you can enjoy being close together.

Is your kid benefiting from the breast milk now. A bottle has larger quantities of milk and my mean he will feel more satisfied and sleep the whole night you need to discuss this with your partner or is this a taboo subject. i have 3 boys which include twins (who are all teenagers now).
I remember all the times of sleeplessness.
Could you not ask to feed him with a bottle as you feel you have missed so much by your partner breastfeeding and take responsibility to change the situation. i have to say sparky is talking a lot of senses.

17th June 2007, 12:23
Problem with breast feeding past two is he's likely to remember it when he's older.....Would you lot like to be able to remember sucking your mothers nipples :ooo :yikes:

tommy tipster
19th June 2007, 12:02
Lads,i'm truly moved at your responses!
It was bothering me because anytime i talk to her about taking him off it,she goes nuts.
I'm a decent guy,just sick of bickering and how it makes me feel afterwards.
Anyway,thanks a million,think it's about time i searched for some good fortune.:thumbs