View Full Version : US Shootings

15th February 2008, 12:24
I think the university one was the fourth in the last few days of meaningless shootings in the USA. When are these plonkers going to learn that with the present gun laws, it is only going to get worse.

They'll never change the constitution though, so parents had better get used to packing the lids bags with pens, paper, food, bullet proof vest, coffin......

15th February 2008, 13:11
Speaking ignorantly here...what would it take to change the US constitution or is it impossible to do this? Could the House & Senate change it alone?

You feel these shottings are just going to happen more and more dont you...pity these poor students gunned down who many have probably not even picked up a gun.:ermmm

15th February 2008, 13:33
Speaking ignorantly here...what would it take to change the US constitution or is it impossible to do this? Could the House & Senate change it alone?The problem is the second amendment which basically gives the Yanks the right to pack heat. But the amendment is ambiguous as commas in differing places as well as certain words capitalised or otherwise can affect the meaning. The actual bona fide wording is uncertain, nor does anyone really know what the amendment was intended for at the time it was introduced and whether or not it is still relevant today. It talks of a well-organised militia - meaning what exactly? Every John and Jane Doe, who wants to have a gun, carrying a pistol isn't well-organised is it?

The Wikipedia page on this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution) is quite an interesting read (from what I have read so far anyway)

15th February 2008, 13:51
I have read some of that Mat on Wiki and yes it is very interesting.It is amazing though that something that was written over 200 years ago should be set in stone and cannot be changed to allow for a 'modern world'. I would think there would be a civil war if they did try to change the 'right to bear arms'...but surely there will come a point where ordinary Americans will say enough is enough? Militia to me conjures up images of those nutcases practicing with their array of weapons in the woods to take on the federal Govt...:ermmm ...& they can do it because of their constitution!