View Full Version : Political lies.

10th April 2010, 23:16
It would have been impossible not to be aware of Global Gordon's accusations over the last week or so that Cameron ditching the NI increase would lead to mass unemployment.

Yesterday, Darling Alistair conceded that Labour's NI increase will cause unemployment but refused to release Treasury estimates of how many jobs will go. Probably thinks it's a definite vote loser or maybe has no idea.

Also, Treasury minister Stephen Timms admitted that Labour's plans for a squeeze on Public Sector spending will also lead to Public Sector job losses.

It seems the Labour Party are falling over themselves to see who can kick Global Gordon the hardest and most often. Maybe they're trying to make sure that after Labour loses the election he won't be able to hang on to the leadership (Or should that be non-leadership)

Maybe Sarah loves him! :)