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Thread: win2win

  1. #1
    arnie is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    okay keith i've only been on this great site for 2 months now but how did it all come about and what did you do before .

    looking to the future , i hope to reach that goal of mine to be successful and happy :)

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Good questions I say, interested to read Keiths reply.

  3. #3

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    keith started out steeling car radio's on the streets of liverpool before moving to wales to become a sheep farmer :)

  4. #4

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    I was forever having my car radio's stolen by little Manc scousers , and emmigrated to Wales to care for the animals , was arrested many times and had my shoved up a cows , so gave it up for a life of money laundering. That was a complete washout with the unk running in the machine, so I took up gambling professionally in the mid 90's.

    It took me about 2 years to get everything sorted with that before I started milking an income, but was happy when appeared as it saved me having to spread accounts everywhere, and spending a lot of time on the track just to get a ton on.

    I was then transported by aliens to Alajahoooooey, where I discovered my inner soul. Mainly due to the fact the buggers took it out, and ran off with it. Who would have thought we had scousers on the other side of the Universe. Anyway I digress.......

    .......'Beautiful breasts I said, and look at that swallow Ooo '..............sorry wrong forum....

    ......I got into the Internet in 98, and by 2000 I thought I'd try and help those who needed it, with their betting so set up a site, with the intention of trying to teach others not to make as many costly mistakes as I did when I started out. At that time it was free, one page, no forum, and just contained what today would be 'B' bets.

    It looked like it had been designed by a colour blind moron, but it soon picked up a following, and after about 6 months they were asking for my better info. I said I'd charge, they said fine, so I kicked off with a Saturday only service for fiver, and after another 6 months they wanted more so it went weekly for £20.

    In those days, when the windows were blacked out (dust, I was a lazy git), I only supplied A bets, and in late 2001 added the forum.

    The subs went up to £30 in 2002, and I couldn't be bothered increasing them since then, but kept adding something to the service every 6 months or so till it was at the standard you see today.

    I now spend most days in front of the TV next to the computer, and Sky+ recording all the races to watch again....and again....and.....but occassionally go to the smaller meeting, as I still enjoy hading over 500 crisp ones to a smiling bookies, and then wiping it off his face after it's won :)

    Will that do or what? :)

    Here endeth the first lesson.....

    FREE Live Odds Comparison Software

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  5. #5
    arnie is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    thanks mate , very good

    looking to the future , i hope to reach that goal of mine to be successful and happy :)

  6. #6

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    what is your lifestyle?

    What type of lifestyle do you lead though?

    In my opinion i would love to become a professional gambler and utilize this as a second income, but this is about 10+ years away for me however over time i'd like to develop the betting banks and be able to draw an income from them

    On average is your monthly "draw" sufficient, more than an average monthly wage?

    I await your response in relation to this and any other matter you believe is relevant

    Tom Lowes

  7. #7
    arnie is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    my guess is tom it's way above average .

    looking to the future , i hope to reach that goal of mine to be successful and happy :)

  8. #8

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    I can win an 'average' yearly wage in a week when I'm blessed :)

    I can easily turnover more than £20,000 a day.

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  9. #9

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    Oh yeah, in a bungalow in the country looking out on miles of mountains and farmland (and sheep), and spend my time on the computer, in front of the TV, and keeping you lot happy!

    Gambling takes anyhting up to 14 hours a day, especially during the Summer. If I'm lucky during the Winter I can get it down to 8 hours, 360+ days a year. No bank holidays, and when I go on my hols, the laptop goes with me, and I do the same work, but usually on Sentosa Beach in 90deg heat....see ya'll there in January :)

    FREE Live Odds Comparison Software

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

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  10. #10

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    And tax free ( nearly ! )


  11. #11
    arnie is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    does that answer your question tom -welcolme to the real world .

    looking to the future , i hope to reach that goal of mine to be successful and happy :)

  12. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    but usually on Sentosa Beach in 90deg heat....see ya'll there in January :)
    Might bump into you in Singapore Airport Keith, when you going ?


  13. #13

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    5th Jan, you off to Oz again? I'll be out there 3 weeks, and one day I'll just forget to come back :)

    PS. If the Internet at the airport has no free reminals, just ask someone for sex they soon move, very conservative lot down there you know :D

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  14. #14

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    Hi Keith,

    I personally know 3 pros - for want of a better description ...... never of course saw theirr accounts - but are verifiable in every sense of the a living from betting, etc........

    Although 2 of them have now retired - one of which runs a service as a sort of hobby more than anything else.......

    However, my question is - they certainly specialise in a specific area of racing..... whereas you appear not to - is there a reason for this......generality rather than specialisation.... ?


  15. #15
    Amity's Avatar
    Amity is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    Keith, you're a saviour of many and a true star!!! :) :wink

  16. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    You off to Oz again?
    Yes Keith, back to Perth in mid January before my sister gets sent back to the UK for failing to achieve the tough conditions for a business visa. Thought it better to go in the summer when my nephew is off school on summer holiday.


  17. #17

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    I'll be calling into Oz for a few days on a future Singapore visit, strangely, it will be Perth, as SIA do a good deal.

    Merlin - I started off race watching, and used that method to make money for a few years, and then started to look at systems, as I'm a statistical freak. As you can see by the site, that worked, and so I do both methods & systems successfully. Most pro's you'll find do just the one, and will argue that either the other doesn't work, or isn't as good. Whereas I know they are both equal in their own way.

    With the exchanges I got into laying, and found both method & systems worked just as well again, and paddock watching is also good for laying.

    I never stop researching and I'm currently in the process of trading and using arb bots on the exchanges, and could really do with the European Parliament adding another 5 hours to the day :)

    I find that most pro's who find the holy grail fail to go any further with study and research to enhance their portfolio. I prefer to keep well ahead of the competition in all aspects of racing and betting.

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  18. #18
    Vic's Avatar
    Vic is offline Advanced Racing Club Member

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    This can't be true - I've seen the ads. Pro gamblers get up at 10am, spend 5 to 10 mins scanning the papers (presumably 4-9 of which are on p3), ring their bookie to place their bets, down to the golf course etc, dinner at their fav restaurant with a VERY expensive bottle of wine, drive their top of the range Merc home, or maybe someone else does the driving! - flick on the text to tot up their earnings for the day. It's easy - and all I have to do is send off £95 to be just like them :)

    Good luck - Vic

  19. #19

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    Thanks for the answer Keith - nice one.....

  20. #20

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    I guess the beauty of covering lots of angles is that when 1 has the inevitable shaky spell, you've got plenty going on to make up for it.

    "Be Right and Sit Tight" - Jesse Livermore, trading legend...

  21. #21
    silax's Avatar
    silax is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    hi keith
    while it seems to be question time i've got a couple.
    my gambling and income would end if the exchanges closed would it end yours.
    although my main gambling income is from laying i also have a system that makes me cash from backing still in small stakes mode but looking good.
    my past experience of using ladbrookes etc. on the internet even after moderate success in trials say turning £30 into £300 in a matter of about 8 weeks ment i got restricted to smallish amounts ending most kinds of staking methods. in a nutshell how the hell would anybody be able to keep making money if the exchanges closed i'm 98% sure this won't happen but how would you cope ?

  22. #22

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    Exchanges - No, but I'd have to put up with a reduced ROI% on systems, but my method bets would just adjust stake>price. Obviosuly you couldn't lay, but that will never happen as their are a number of off shore exchanges I use as well :)

    As I said above Silax, you'd have to go the track more to get bets on, as you'll find most of your accounts limited, that's the good thing with the exchanges, no limits :)

    FREE Live Odds Comparison Software

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  23. #23

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    What makes me mad about the "Big 3" being against exchanges, its probably a large proportin of the punters they don't want!

    "Be Right and Sit Tight" - Jesse Livermore, trading legend...

  24. #24

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    ...and as Betfair just showed, % wise, they put more into racing than the bookies who say they pay next to nothing. Guess that hatchet is buried in their heads now

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

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  25. #25

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    Dont mind if i stick my oar in on this one do ya? Can i ask keith, are the systems you kindly share systems youve made up yourself or got from other people/pros?

  26. #26

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    I do everything myself, that way I know why it works, or why it doesn't. I take no 3rd party info regardless of source, but I may use stable info only if it backs up what I already know.

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  27. #27

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    Ok, my go.

    How do you decide what to give away for free and what to charge for? I'm thinking mainly of the systems - why do the free systems get given away whereas you charge for others - but also the A+ bets etc. If a bet is an A+ how do you decide whether to make it a freebie or members only?

  28. #28

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    The free systems are basically live tests, which is why some fail some work, although they are well researched so even those that fail are within my bounds of acceptable loss.

    I have different lists I do, and depending how high up depends whether it is an A+, A, B etc, each one gets sort of points, although this is a mental figure from experience, and the highest of each catergory tend to be given to members, but I have to give quality free as well, otherwise people wouldn't come back to the site would they :)

    FREE Live Odds Comparison Software

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
    Managing Director, Win2Win Limited

    Filipino UK Filipino Forum | Win2Win Racing - Free Tips

  29. #29

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    Is there anyone else in the WORLD that knows the rules to ur systems other than you?

  30. #30

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by e55exboi
    Is there anyone else in the WORLD that knows the rules to ur systems other than you?
    I might be wrong on this but, assuming Keith uses RSB exclusively for his systems, if you had a bang up to date version with all the updates, it might be possible to 'reverse engineer' a lot of the variables but probably not all of them.

    It's hard to have a battle of wits when your opponent is unarmed.

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