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Thread: Trading the FTSE 100

  1. #1
    wb's Avatar
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    Trading the FTSE 100

    Hi all - just wondering where the best place to trade the markets are - particularly the FTSE 100? I've been reading a few books and have a small few quid to try my hand with.

    Should I use Tradefair or one of the bookie spread products or is it best to use something else.

    Ideally, I'd need access to my cash when I want and the entry fees would be small.

    I'm new to this so if anyone has advice, I'd gladly take it.

    Tada gan iarracht

  2. #2

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    For a beginner just use Tradefair, you should have started about 8 months ago

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
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  3. #3
    wb's Avatar
    wb is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    Thanks Keith - can you log into that with your regular Betfair account or is it separate?

    Tada gan iarracht

  4. #4

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    Seperate Mr WB :) Mainly because your account is under the control of the FSA

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    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
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  5. #5
    wb's Avatar
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    Thanks again Keith. I was looking at some strategies using the Moving Average charts. Just trying to find a site that I can get all the info from. There's a lot of crap out there on the web on this!

    Tada gan iarracht

  6. #6

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    Depends if you are going in the market for the whole day, long term, or scalping. If it's the first one use the Betfair FTSE price as a guide, and how the Asian markets moved, then keep an eye on Google news for the Financial stuff.

    Other than that ask SC :)

    FREE Live Odds Comparison Software

    Keith Driscoll - Administrator
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  7. #7
    wb's Avatar
    wb is offline Win2Win Racing Club Member

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    Thanks Keith, I'm mainly looking for MA for longer term stuff (weeks). The yahoo site is OK as you can plot the graph yourself - for example, you can view the 20 week MA and then impose the 50 week MA on top etc.^FTAS&t=1y&l=on&z=m&q=l&p=m10,e50&a=&c=

    Tada gan iarracht

  8. #8

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    Wayne, There are many avenues to pursue try to stick to price action and learn your candleticks !!!!!!

    Hammers , shooting stars and engulfing patterrns are the most important to get to grips with google them and see what you come up with. If you have any questions about things write em all down and then we could have chat about it cheers SC

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