Our newest member paul99 posed the question when introducing himself today
"how is everyone's 2010 going so far?".I took it to mean he was referring to the betting aspect,and even although we are only 12 days into the year its a fair question.

I have only been placing my wagers on bet fair for a couple of months,but one thing i have learnt already is to keep a close watch on the changing bookmakers emps and the bf odds,on Mon morning the bookmakers who where mostly going 11-10 against Diapason suddenly started showing ev and 10-11,at this point bf went 2.72 for a short while with fortunately enough liquidity to enable me to get the whole of my wager on.The horse which won started slight odds on and i would not have backed it at this price

So with the above and a couple of short priced winners from 7 bets i am showing a small profit YTD.

Would any other members care to comment on thier progress so far i think it would be interesting reading.