That was sort of going to be my sugesstion too. (Thanks for the find Keith, the places I looked were unsatisfactory )

I would just like to add the following comment to learning any programming language.

You have to first decide on a project of something you want to do. Then pick the language suitable for that project. Then break the project down into the smallest ideas that you can. After that is is just a question of putting the bits together until the project is complete. To try and learn programming because it is there seems pointless to me. I got interested in programming because my brother discussed with me projects that he had been given to program like get the computer to play naughts and crosses, learn to play the game of Nim. Later we discussed the possibilities and ways to interpret ideas of artificial intelligence. This was before the internet was invented.

Every programming language resolves into four basic concepts.
1) Communication (input and output),
2) Conditional action (If {this is true} then {do this} else {do this} )
3) Assignment eg put these numbers in this array
4) Loops repeat a code section until a condition is reached.