OK.....here we go......

Please checkout the GAME TABLE below or click HERE to see who's voted for who & your scores.

The person finishing with the overall highest score will be declared the winner.

Each person will start with 100 points.
Points will be added or deducted to/from this score using the following rules:

i) If you correctly predict the final placing of any of your nominated countries:
12 points will be ADDED to your score.

ii) If any of your nominated countries finish in their respective Top 5 or Bottom 3 zones but are incorrectly placed within those zones…..
10pts will be ADDED to your score if the difference between the country’s actual placing & your predicted placing = 1
8pts will be ADDED to your score if the difference between the country’s actual placing & your predicted placing = 2
6pts will be ADDED to your score if the difference between the country’s actual placing & your predicted placing = 3
4pts will be ADDED to your score if the difference between the country’s actual placing & your predicted placing = 4

For example: If you predict that the UK will finish in 2nd place but they ACTUALLY finish in 4th place….the difference between their actual placing (4) and predicted placing (2) ……4-2 = 2, so 8 points will be added to your score.

iii) If any of your nominated countries fail to finish in their respective Top 5 or Bottom 3 zones, the difference between the country’s actual placing & your predicted placing will be DEDUCTED from your score.

For example: If you predict that the UK will finish in 4th place but they ACTUALLY finish in 21st place…. 21 – 4 = 17 points will be deducted from your score.
