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Thread: Tory plans.

  1. #31

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    Quote Originally Posted by vegyjones View Post
    All when and good after the horse has bolted. He's not sating anything the other parties haven't. Jack Straw has already revised the legal aid system and these three 'former' MP's appiled before the means testing rules came into effect.
    Well, if Jack Straw has sorted it out then that's ok. :)

  2. #32

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    Shame Cameron did not fight to bring in reform of the expense system before claiming the maximum he could for his second home for about five years in a row.

    If I was as anti-labour as you Tov I would be seething at Cameron and not be lapping up all his stunts. Any decent opposition fighting an election against a governement going for a fourth term against a backdrop of a recession would be 15 -20 points ahead before the campaign had even started.

    It is not the cards you are dealt but what you do with them that counts

  3. #33

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    Quote Originally Posted by tovarich View Post
    Well, if Jack Straw has sorted it out then that's ok. :)
    Glad I made you see sense at last :D

    The Vegster!

    Winner of Ada's Eurovision Game 2014

  4. #34

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    How could we manage without you Vegy. I think you're a shining light.:D

  5. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by tovarich View Post
    You are still trying to find an argument, Mat, aren't you.
    Honestly? No. I'm just trying to bring you down from your big blue high horse and balance the views somewhat.

    You are willing to "reserve Judgement" on Tory claims of what they will do, and with the Labour manifesto out today are you willing to "reserve judgement" on Brown as well. And are you willing to wait another five years before you come to a decision one way or another.
    I am willing to reserve judgement on Brown, yes. If that means waiting another five years then so be it. Truth be told Tov, apart from the illness keeping me out of work, my life has been getting better year on year for the past 10 years or so. I have very little to complain about and would rather not rock the boat and risk jeopardising the good life I have now. But at the end of the day I don't care a jot for politics and politicians. Most of the headline-grabbing policies don't affect me so I don't really give a toss.

    In your previous post you didn't sound too happy in only getting £65 a week sick pay. Maybe, if Cameron gets elected, and he brings in the necessary legislation you just might get £100 a week sick pay or maybe even £165 a week. Is it worth thinking about maybe? So far, after thirteen years in government Labour have managed to give you £65. Well done, Global.
    What an utterly pathetic argument! How many "maybes" and "mights" do you want to use? Perhaps if Nick Clegg was Prime Minister I'd be getting a grand a week sick pay and a go on his wife every Tuesday night. Let's be realistic here Tov, however much you love Davey C and his party he's not going to double or treble Employment Support Allowance benefits is he? So I'm not going to vote for him on the off chance he does. Were I to vote (which I won't be doing) I'd at least vote for policies I thought had a realistic chance of seeing the late of day not empty election promises.

    Ultimately though I won't be voting for several reasons, including the fact that none of the main parties really appeal to me. The Tories are a bunch of posh boys (our local candidate is Zac Goldsmith!) who I just cannot relate to. Labour don't get a look in round here and aren't even canvassing and due to my beliefs and objections to the current electoral system (which are well documented on this forum) I won't vote for their candidate. The Lib Dems are the best of neither world, or is it the worst of both? They are very much the third party and from the very small interest I have in politics I couldn't really tell you anything much about them. If they can't grab my attention how do they expect to gain my vote?

    On top of all of that, as I said my life has improved year on year which may or may not be related to the governing party. I don't feel in a position to judge the real (nor perceived) influence the current government has had on my affairs so I don't feel strongly either way when it comes to supporting or opposing them. If only life were more like science and I could run my last 10 years again with a Tory government and again with the Lib Dems in charge then I would be in a better position to make a decision on who I would like running the country.

  6. #36

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    There is only 1 way that can get this country back on track, and that is to help build businesses in the private sector, thats where the county's wealth is generated, It will really pain me to do so but I will have to vote conservative this time, the good times have been wasted by bigger and bigger public spending, wastage and the lack of control of borders etc. Europe is having more and more power on our lives which wont change even if the conservatives get in power.

    And I believe that the big increase in any standard of living many have experienced has been achieved by living beyond the country's means. Which we are all going to pay for especially those of us that are taxpayers.

  7. #37

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    Quote Originally Posted by barrelmaniac View Post
    There is only 1 way that can get this country back on track, and that is to help build businesses in the private sector, thats where the county's wealth is generated, It will really pain me to do so but I will have to vote conservative this time, the good times have been wasted by bigger and bigger public spending, wastage and the lack of control of borders etc. Europe is having more and more power on our lives which wont change even if the conservatives get in power.

    And I believe that the big increase in any standard of living many have experienced has been achieved by living beyond the country's means. Which we are all going to pay for especially those of us that are taxpayers.
    Well done, Barrelmaniac. You have a far better way with words than I but our thoughts are similar and a couple of weeks ago I said much the same regarding the public being overtaxed leaving us with less spending money which is why shops are closing down because people are buying less, which leads to manufacturing industries closing down because they have less outlets for their goods which is leading to more unemployment. Its a downward spiral and Global Gordon's only answer seems to be a 1% increase on National Insurance (tax). If he really thinks that is the answer he should increase National Insurance (tax) by a minimum of 5%. I hope he doesn't read this, he'll think "what a great idea". :D

    As I've said before, I haven't voted Tory since 198- something or other but feel I'll have to this time to try and get these incompetents out and give someone else a go. I believe that things can only get better, but not with this lot in charge which may be why so many Labour M.P.s are not standing again. Maybe some of them aren't so stupid after all.

  8. #38

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    Quote Originally Posted by mathare View Post
    Honestly? No. I'm just trying to bring you down from your big blue high horse and balance the views somewhat.

    I am willing to reserve judgement on Brown, yes. If that means waiting another five years then so be it. Truth be told Tov, apart from the illness keeping me out of work, my life has been getting better year on year for the past 10 years or so. I have very little to complain about and would rather not rock the boat and risk jeopardising the good life I have now. But at the end of the day I don't care a jot for politics and politicians. Most of the headline-grabbing policies don't affect me so I don't really give a toss.

    What an utterly pathetic argument! How many "maybes" and "mights" do you want to use? Perhaps if Nick Clegg was Prime Minister I'd be getting a grand a week sick pay and a go on his wife every Tuesday night. Let's be realistic here Tov, however much you love Davey C and his party he's not going to double or treble Employment Support Allowance benefits is he? So I'm not going to vote for him on the off chance he does. Were I to vote (which I won't be doing) I'd at least vote for policies I thought had a realistic chance of seeing the late of day not empty election promises.

    Ultimately though I won't be voting for several reasons, including the fact that none of the main parties really appeal to me. The Tories are a bunch of posh boys (our local candidate is Zac Goldsmith!) who I just cannot relate to. Labour don't get a look in round here and aren't even canvassing and due to my beliefs and objections to the current electoral system (which are well documented on this forum) I won't vote for their candidate. The Lib Dems are the best of neither world, or is it the worst of both? They are very much the third party and from the very small interest I have in politics I couldn't really tell you anything much about them. If they can't grab my attention how do they expect to gain my vote?

    On top of all of that, as I said my life has improved year on year which may or may not be related to the governing party. I don't feel in a position to judge the real (nor perceived) influence the current government has had on my affairs so I don't feel strongly either way when it comes to supporting or opposing them. If only life were more like science and I could run my last 10 years again with a Tory government and again with the Lib Dems in charge then I would be in a better position to make a decision on who I would like running the country.
    Mat, you are looking for arguments,and you're just being pedantic and trying to shoot me down no matter what I say or what point I am trying to make. You are obviously a strong believer in hair splitting and being pedantic.

    When I gave figures like £100 or £165 I didn't mean £100 or £165 I simply meant more than you are getting now, and you know that very well. Anyway £65 a week is a disgrace and an insult to anyone to expect them to live on that, I can't believe anyone would be happy with that no matter how much they have in the bank or how much their wife earns and if that is the best this lot can do after 13 years in government then it must be time for you to help to rid of them (although it's not for me to tell anyone HOW to vote - all I would say is everone who is entitled to vote should use their vote and if anyone decides not to vote then that is a vote for the incumbent - after all many good men died to give you the right to vote.)

    As for the "BLUE HIGH HORSE" you still think I am a Tory don't you, well I'm not, nor am I pro-Cameron, I'm just anti this lying, incompetent, wasteful government and ,like Barrelmaniac, I feel I am being forced to vote Tory.

  9. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by tovarich View Post
    all I would say is everone who is entitled to vote should use their vote and if anyone decides not to vote then that is a vote for the incumbent - after all many good men died to give you the right to vote.
    Unless the electoral process in your constituency differs from mine, my decision to not vote is just that - no vote at all. It's not a vote for anyone. Many good men, and some rubbish ones as well, died to give us all the right to vote. Doesn't mean we have to use it though. It wouldn't be right to waste something as precious as a vote and if I don't know who I would like as my MP I shouldn't vote.

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