I thought it was great to read john at 25 posting his acceptance of bills reminiscing,we have progressed in some ways, but IMO the biggest area where we fail in this country is in achieving a happy medium.We always seem to go from one extreme to another.

Bill mentioned School teachers and corporal punishment,this is a good example i got the slipper and the cane when i was at school,and there was one particular teacher who could have been accused of being over zealous with this particular way of maintaining discipline and learning,but in the main if you got it you deserved it.

By removing even the threat of it,and most other means of keeping order you have the ridiculous situation where by teachers cannot control a class of infants let alone teenagers and one result of this is an ever increasing illiteracy rate amongst school leavers.

And what do the people who implement these changes say"its the parents fault"i can only be kind and speculate that they are mainly childless.