wedensday 21st
well made it to the irish village but what a treck. taxi next time
set off at 7 am full of confidence and armed with my new hat see pic above which is taken after a few hours walking in the sun so i'm not looking my best.
anyway all went well skipped breaky at my local and caught an arb over the creek. now i have a good way of navigating i sort my map out then take my bearings from the sun was doing fine and making good time but it started to get hot and although i'm getting more confident at mixing with the indians i'm still not yet upto going into a crowded indian cafe on my own yet so i was gasping for a coffee and all the cafes i passed were crowded with indian workers so took me ages to find one that was reasonably empty but i managed it and got a coffee. the indians have very sweet teeth and if you go to the local cafes and ask for coffee or tea it comes back with loads of sugar in it so as i don't take sugar i have to specifically tell them no sugar which is greated with a strange look but then again i'm used to that as where i often go their isn't many white folk especially not walking round looking cool with the lastest fasion accessary on there heads. anyway in the cafe and out with the map just to check my sun bearings are working now i'm sitting there studying and well i got the feeling i was being watched you know that feeling a bit like when you are trying to do up your button flys when pissed in the bog. i'm also quite a nervous person so i casually look round and theres 2 indian guys looking over my shoulder at the map well i jumped out of my skin closley followed by these 2 chaps which was quite funny but i guess you had to be there to see it. but i laughed about it anf finished my coffee and left. what i did notice was i still had quite a long way to go and i was getting hungry so according to my map there was a mall just close by so i headed for that. now it dosen't matter hoow much i shower or how much deoderant i use when i'm out in the heat for a few hours i start to smell.
so on arrival at the mall head straight for a deoderant shop and buy yet another roll on. i've got a load of these things now and have made a mental note to take one with me next time.anyway have breakfast there and spruce up in the bogs to the watchfull eye of the indian bog boy who can't beleive what he's seeing.
leave the mall and head on my way to the irish village on my way i notice that i'm on the wrong side of a very busy road and have no way of getting across so i have a descion to make head back or persavere. onwards and upwards( i always make the wrong descions i'm a crap goat and like to be a sheep all the time)
anyway as i'm walking i pass a few indians gardening the road side and again i don't think they've seen anything like me as normally you don't see white people walking along the roadside not the major roads that is. but i say hello and they reply so alls cool.
now my path is starting to run out and there's major roadworks in front and i'm far to far forward to turn back so i keep ploddinh on passing indian builders as i go and the odd jcb for me this is starting to get a bit scary as i've proberbly got about 3 months worth of there wages on me. now just over the fence is the dubai golf club so being of sound mind and body decide that seems the better option so i'm on the golf course and dodging buggies and waving. after about 2 mins on the course an angry guy in a buggy is waving to me and shouting (cheeky ******) now this guy is too far away to see the colour of my skin so when i wander over there i take off my hat and sun glasses and woo his atitude changes as if by magic. now i tell him i'm just looking for the exit and he says how did i get in and basically go back the way i've come as there is a tournament in progress and i shouldn't be there.
so i'm back with the jcbs and indians finally manage to get out and find a road that goes over the top of the lot and follow that route.
now i know i'm getting close as i've seen a big sign dumped in the road side saying irish village but its nowhere to be seen as it the old one which just got renewed. anyway i wander into quite a nice little place with a few resturants and tables outside (looks promising) before you know it i'm standing on a tennis court with grandstands all around just like wimbledon theres a guy coming and its not a womble another angry bloke (this is not my day at all)anyway as it happens it the start of some masters tennis tourney here tomorrow and as far as they know silax isn't taken part so i'm ejected from another venue. my luck changes and if by chance the irish village is right next door. absolutly charimg place think i'm gonna spend a lot of time here. got chatting to a guy from palestine at the bar and we disscused a few interesting things i now know that in moscow before the wall came down property cost about 2k then whoever lived in said property became the owners and property in moscow is the most expensive of any city.
after this rifferting conversation went and sat outside read 2 chapters of my book and got a taxi home knackered